In 1986, the tea price came down to mere Rs 30/- to Rs 15/-. At this juncture, the private tea factories were affected by the risk of bankruptcy. The risk was successfully averted by forming the Rathnapura Tea Factory Owners Association. The founder of this organization was Mr. Choola Naoutunna. The inauguration of the Sri Lanka Tea Factory Owners Association, was held in Colombo on 17th March of 1990, as an all island Association. 93 participants were present on this occasion.
Mr. Choola Naotunna
Mr. N.B.H. Pilapitiya
Late Mr. K.D. Upasena
Late Mr. E.C.G. Athukorala
Mr. B.H. Peiris
Mr. Dharmadasa Wanniarachchi
Mr. Manolal Liyanage
Mr. K.A.D. Perera
The decision was taken to maintain an active capital fund debt scheme.
An unanimous decision was taken to establish more branches from the year 2000 on wards.
The association decided to send one of its core member, D.E Welikala to Oman, for a discussion regarding the moisture of tea. This proved to be very beneficial to the member factories since they were able to increase the moisture up to 12% on par with the accepted standards.
Held discussions with the honorable president.
With the gradual expansion as an all island association, we recently moved to our new office premises in Nawala.